We fired up the engine and pulled the anchor and headed north with our sights on Bahia Escondido. As we meandered up the coast, we discovered a small point with some protection. We decided to detour and have a look. It was a beach community that supported eco-tourism and there were campers on the beach. We tucked into a small cove to check it out. We had only cruised an hour and a half, but it looked interesting.

This is the rock just outside the harbor we stayed in. I could not find a name on the chart for the point, but it was small and reasonably protected from the north winds.
The north winds are becoming a theme on this cruise.

This is the beach with the campers. in the sunset. It was a beautiful place.
We zipped around on the dinghy and found hundreds of dolphins feeding in the morning. I did not have a camera to photograph it but it was a spectacular sight.
We met Steve and Liz in the catamaran next door and had a fun filled evening together. The next night we had dinner in the Tiki Hut restaurant and walked the town. It took about 10 min.
The weather model indicated a big wind headed in, so we decided to move up to Bahia Escondido where the bay was more protected prior to that.
Technical data:
Time: 1 h 35 m ( 07:37 to 09:12 ) Distance: 9.15 nm
Fuel: 1.55 Gallons Fuel Rate: 0.98 GPH Fuel Economy: 5.91 NM/G
Avg Speed: 5.71 kn Max Speed: 9.08 kn
Engine Runtime Start: 3343.35 Hours Runtime End: 3344.95 Hours Fuel: 1.55 Gallons Fuel Rate: 0.98 GPH Fuel Rate Max: 7.13 GPH Avg RPM: 1014.36 Max RPM: 1601.25 Avg Oil Pressure: 48.93 Low Oil Pressure: 32.49 Avg Temperature: 182.49 Max Temperature: 192.20
