Our reservation at the marina expired and we needed a place to go for our last day together. We departed at a leisurely pace and anchored back in Bahia Falso. The tide was much lower than prior visits and the beach was much bigger.

We had to anchor the dinghy way off the beach in the shoal and walk in. Finally, we just decided it was easier to swim in.

The water was warm, and the day was nearly 80 degrees, which made it a perfect day to sit on the beach and have a drink and a few tacos.

Boris was feeling particularly generous that day and he bought me a hat and a new chair from the local beach vendors. I could not wait to get back to the boat to try it out.

I hung it from the davit, and I could remotely lower the rider into the water or up above the cabin with the push of a button! E-ticket ride!

It doubles as a swing.
This was the perfect day of fun for us all. After dinner Boris and Mayli went home to their hotel and we slept well.
The first thing in the morning, Boris and Mayli were back to the beach club with the car to take themselves and Matt and Tonia to the airport and ultimately home. Sad to see them go.

The night light still glows.
Technical Data:
Time: 1 h 9 m ( 10:03 to 11:12 ) Distance: 7.45 nm
Fuel: 1.13 Gallons Fuel Rate: 0.98 GPH Fuel Economy: 6.60 NM/G
Avg Speed: 6.39 kn Max Speed: 9.00 kn
Engine Runtime Start: 3336.05 Hours Runtime End: 3337.20 Hours Fuel: 1.13 Gallons Fuel Rate: 0.98 GPH Fuel Rate Max: 2.40 GPH Avg RPM: 993.32 Max RPM: 1167.50 Avg Oil Pressure: 51.55 Low Oil Pressure: 32.49 Avg Temperature: 175.66 Max Temperature: 192.20
